“Heritage, not Hate!” the cries of protest go. There is a strong and enduring counternarrative that the flag is just that — a flag — easily divorced from its racist roots and screed. This argument is also bullshit. (Medium.com)
What Now for America’s Young, Jobless Soldiers?
E.T.2016-12-28T21:37:59+00:00Assessment of the unprecedented employment challenges facing veterans of Afghanistan/Iraq II. Never has such a substantial force drawdown taken place in such a stagnant labor market. There is a looming jobs crisis for today’s young soldiers, and policymakers must address it before it gets worse. (The National Interest)
Rods From God: The Truth of Call of Duty’s Killer Satellite
E.T.2016-12-28T21:38:02+00:00Military technology and analysis piece commissioned by Escapist Magazine. Explores the history, science, and continuing pop culture relevance of the “Rods from God” weapons platform. (The Escapist Magazine)
Neverwinter Nevermore
E.T.2016-12-28T21:38:02+00:00Retrospective piece commissioned by Escapist Magazine. Considers the niche success and lasting influence of Neverwinter Nights, a 2003 RPG published by BioWare Corporation. Also debates future of RPG genre within gaming industry. (The Escapist Magazine)